Analytical Chemistry Service Center

Scientists in Analytical Chemistry Service Center.

The Analytical Chemistry Service Center (ACSC) is part of the 1,500 square foot Central Analytical Chemistry Laboratory which houses a variety of analytical and processing equipment servicing the various laboratories in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering.  The ACSC is available to all WSU researchers and students and specializes in the analysis of biological materials and reactions. Costs for the use of the facilities, equipment, and technical expertise are established to maintain the equipment, support personnel, and pay for instrument consumables.  The ACSC charges on a time of use basis for all of its analytical equipment.  Basically, the main service that the ACSC provides is the “rental” of equipment for clients to use and analyze samples on a daily or weekly schedule based on the needs and the availability of the equipment.  The ACSC does not employ technicians to analyze samples, all analysis are conducted by you or your technician after receiving proper training.

Please refer to the ACSC Use Policy for a list of services provided, scheduling, training, and payment policies.

The ACSC is supported by the Biological Systems Engineering Department, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS), the Agriculture Research Center (ARC) and Washington State University (WSU).


Jonathan P. Lomber
Scientific Laboratory Manager
Biological Systems Engineering
L.J. Smith Hall 112
PO Box 646120
Pullman, WA 99164-6120
