When This Happens:

You are given the task of scheduling a conference.

  • People at the branch campuses will be attending via the AMS video conference system.
  • One or more people wish to join this conference using a their telephone.
  • At this meeting you will be giving a PowerPoint presentation that all attendees need to be able to see.
  • You have also been just informed that a group of people at another university, or company, also wish to join the conference using their video conference equipment.


Ref: AMS Video Conference Home

Do This:

  1. Collect the information needed by the AMS staff so that they can help you. This will include all contact information for all the attendees including technical contacts at non WSU facilities
  2. Choose a room based on presentation needs and estimated attendance. Next, reserve this room via the BSysE SharePoint Site. BSysE has four rooms with slightly different configurations and capabilities.
  3. Schedule the conference with Academic Media Services. You have done steps one and two. You now have the information to fill out the AMS FORM. Once AMS receives your form they will begin the real work of bringing everything together. They will coordinate with the branch campuses; contact the technical people at non WSU institutions; and provide dial in information for those attending via the phone bridge. They will also provide you with a conference number that you will ‘call’ using the video conference remote (see individual room instructions).
  4. AMS may contact you to test the connection(s) ahead of time to verify everything works. This usually happens when remote non WSU institutions are involved.
  5. You will next go to the conference room you have reserved a day or two before your presentation and take the time to become familiar with the equipment. Think of this as a show starring you. the title of this show is “I am sharp, smart, and professional. Hand me my degree!” The show starts when you enter the room. You do not want this first scene to show you fumbling around unprepared with equipment you obviously know nothing about.

Understand that though it ‘appears’ you are communicating directly to a distant site, all sites including BSysE, and all dial in attendees are communicating with a central server.

The video conference HELP hot line is 509-335-6575.