ASABE 2022 - Group picture

ASABE 2022

Washington State University Students and Faculty Participate in 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting

Hotel pool photo of texas

Since 1907, The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), an international educational and scientific professional organization, is dedicated towards offering agricultural and biological engineering solutions in agricultural, food, biological systems. This year, the ASABE Annual International Meeting (AIM) was held in Houston, Texas between 17-20 July. A total of 29 members from the Biological Systems Engineering (BSYSE) department participated at the 2022 ASABE AIM. Thirteen students received ASABE AIM travel awards from the department. In addition to active participation in several leadership roles by students and faculties (technical committee, technical community, moderation, volunteering, etc.), about 31 technical talks across different technical sessions within diverse communities were presented by students mostly. Among various accomplishments, notable ones include the Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Award (PhD category) – sponsored by our distinguished alumni Dr. Norm Scott in collaboration with his advisor Dr. Landis Boyd – received by Worasit Sangjan (third place), ITSC Paper Award received by Daniel Borrenpohl and Dr. Manoj Karkee, Outstanding Reviewer Awards received by Uddhav Bhattarai, Dr. Rakesh Ranjan (alumni) and Dr. Chongyuan Zhang (alumni), and Outstanding Associate Editor Awards received by Dr. Lav Khot and Dr. Sindhuja Sankaran, and ASABE AIM student oral/poster presentation awards received by Jake Schrader and Behnaz Molaei.