WSU Faculty wins IFT Achievement Award


Congratulations to BSE faculty member, Shyam Sablani, the 2016 recipient of the Marcel Loncin Research Prize.

The Marcel Loncin Research Prize, given every other year, was first awarded in 1994. It honors and provides research funding to an IFT member or nonmember scientist or engineer conducting basic chemistry/physics/engineering research applied to food processing and improvement of food quality.

Sponsor: The Lomi Foundation Endowment Fund of Feeding Tomorrow

Purpose: The prize, given every other year, was first awarded in 1994.  To honor and provide research funding for an IFT-member or nonmember scientist or engineer conducting basic chemistry/physics/engineering research applied to food processing and improvement of food quality. Prize money is to be used by the recipient in directing and carrying out a proposed research project and to allow a successful scientist to help a young scientist(s) to also become successful.

Award: $50,000 paid in two annual installments and a plaque